Serenay Moon
Episode 9: The Chibi's
©2001 Kitty Ocean
Edited by: Archmage Lia

Only 3 more weeks away from the Space Centre, Zach and Kitt entered a new forest. Kitt looked sadly back at the sandy hills near the ocean. However, the smell of the forest cheered her up again. She felt like being in a nice mood.

"Zach," She started, "I forgot to thank you for that fight with Derak."

"Aw, it was nothing." Zach raised his shoulders and blushed a bit. "You would have done the same for me."

"Don't be so sure about that." Kitt smiled.

Zach looked at Kitt, startled. "What... what do you mean?"

"Just kidding." Kitt patted him on the back. "Only I wouldn't blast my friends into the sky too."


Behind the bushes further along the path, two people appeared. "This is our chance!" Moka said and pulled Mika along.

Mika and Moka ran to an open spot. "This is perfect! This time it will work!" Mika cheered.

"They should have never messed with us!" Moka said and raised a shovel.

Quickly, Mika and Moka dug a pit and covered it with branches and grass. "They will never see it!" Mika smiled. "We are the best."

Suddenly, Mika and Moka heard soft giggling behind them. They turned around, but both didn't see anything. "It's the success that makes us hear things." Moka concluded.

But then, they heard that sweet laughter again! They turned around and saw a little girl, with hair as green as the leaves and purple eyes.

Mika looked at her. "Aw, how cute! Who are you sweetie?"

As a reply, the girl giggled once again. "Whoever she is, she'd better leave." Moka pointed at the little girl. "C'mon girl, go to your mother."

"Yeah sweetie, and don't tell anyone you have seen us." Mika added.

But the girl didn't move. To pursue the girl to leave, Mika and Moka walked at the girl. Suddenly, the ground underneath their feet began to shake. They screamed while they fell into their own pit. "You know Mika," Moka started, "I guess we need another approach."

The little green haired girl giggled once more, and left them behind.


Meanwhile, Kitt and Zach decided to take a break nearby a little river. Kitt filled her bottle, when she suddenly stopped.

"Something wrong?" Zach asked.

Kitt shook her head. "No, I thought I heard something. It was probably a bird."

Zach ate something. "You know," Zach said with his mouth full, "I was wondering, why did you ever decided to go along with me?"

Kitt didn't look at Zach and closed her water bottle. "I thought you might needed me. And I've saved your butt so many times... guess I was right."

"You also gave me a lot of troubles." Zach answered. "Like Derak, and that police thingie. And don't forget I've saved you a lot too!"

"But I saved you more!" Kitt walked towards him. "You always think...." But Kitt suddenly stopped. There it was again: sweet soft giggling.

"Did you hear that too?" Zach asked.

"No, I'm deaf okay?" Kitt looked around. "Hey, whoever you are, show yourself," she yelled.

There were a few moments of silence, but suddenly, the bushes moved. A girl with white hair and aqua colored eyes stepped forward. She looked almost exactly the same as the girl Mika and Moka saw.

"Well hello." Zach nicely said. "What are you doing here?"

The girl only giggled.

"Why are you following us?" Kitt asked.

Zach stopped Kitt. "Hey, don't be so mean. It's just a little girl."

Kitt sighed. "Okay, I'll try to be nice." She smiled nicely at the girl. "Who are you, little one?"

The girl giggled once more.

Kitt lost her temper. She turned away from the girl and almost boiled! "That does it! I'll...." Kitt started, but suddenly they heard a voice.

"I'm Chibi Luna."

Zach looked at the white haired girl. "What a sweet name."

Kitt slapped him upside his head. "Of course, ya can overreact!" She mumbled. "Okay Chibi Luna, why are you following us?"

The girl started giggling again. "You should meet my sisters!"

Suddenly, four other girls appeared from the bushes. They looked exactly the same as Chibi Luna, but all had a differently colored hair, eyes, and dresscolours.

"This doesn't feel right." Kitt said softly.

Zach laughed. "Don't tell me you are afraid of them."

Chibi Luna raised her arm and suddenly a little white light appeared. "Chibi Luna, Wings of Air!" She said.

The light blasted to an other small girl, with red hair and blue eyes. "Chibi Ignis, Rings of Fire!" She added. The light became red and moved over to the girl with green hair and purple eyes.

"Chibi Gaia, Light of the Earth." The light became green and shot again through the air.

"Chibi Aqua." The girl with aqua-blue hair and green eyes whispered. "Reflection of Water!"

The light turned blue and went off to the last girl. All the while, Zach and Kitt just gazed at the 5 girls.

"Chibi Kim." The last girl with purple hair and red eyes said. "Birth of the Spirit!"

The five girls formed a pentagram (five sided shaped star) of light which enclosed Zach and Kitt. Then Chibi Kim giggled and raised her arms at Zach and Kitt. A big purple light flew at Kitt and Zach. As a reflex, Kitt pulled Zach before her. However, she couldn't avoid the light and both were trapped in it.

After they could see again, Zach and Kitt noticed that they were in a cave.

"Where are we?" Zach asked.

Kitt picked up her flashlight and turned it on. "I told you those girls weren't okay." She shone around with the light, but suddenly screamed, dropped it and jumped into Zach's arms.

Zach was so surprised that he fell on the ground. He took the flashlight and shone it at the wall. There was nothing, only a rock that looked like something. He laughed. "The mighty Kitt is afraid."

"I'm not afraid." Kitt answered and hit him on the head. "I just don't like it here."

At that moment, the dark cave got filled with giggling.

"C'mon!" Kitt yelled. "This isn't funny!"

Zach put his hand on her shoulder. "Relax." Then he turned to the Chibi's. "Kitt is right, this isn't funny. What's the point of this?"

The giggling became louder and suddenly formed words. "Zach has to do the test, and Kitty will be the next!" They heard. "Zach has to do the test, and Kitty will be the next!"

"Test, what kind of test?" Zach asked.

The only answer he got, was the same giggling again.

"They aren't much of a help, are they?" Zach added sarcastically.

"I don't care, I just want to get out of here!" Kitt said.

Zach pointed into the dark cave. "I guess we'd better get out of this cave." He decided and he walked away. Kitt decided it was better to stay really close to him.


After a while, they still could see nothing else but the walls of the cave. There didn't seem to be an end to it. "Chibi's!" Zach suddenly yelled. "I don't have time for this. I have to get to Serenay Moon! It's really important for me! Please." Zach expected to hear giggling again, but it was still silent. Suddenly, he heard something else. "Do you hear that?" He asked Kitt. "It sounds like someone is banging on a drum, or something like that." At that moment, he knew what he heard. "It's a heart-beat!" He exclaimed.

He turned to Kitt and he saw her with eyes filled with tears. Zach was shocked. He'd never thought he would see her cry. "It's my heart." She softly said.

"Kitt." He softly said. "What's wrong?"

Kitt broke down and cried. "I can't take it any more! The total darkness! The silence...."

Zach put his arm around here. "I know, it's hard. But you have to hang on."

"I'm scared Zach." Kitt sniffed. "Where is the light?"

Zach thought for a moment, and then brightened up. "There will be light at the end of this cave. And we'll make it. Together, you and me." He offered her his hand. "Come on, we'll show those Chibi's that they better not mess with Kitt and

Kitt took his hand and wiped away her tears. "Thank you...." She whispered and both started walking again.

Zach thought deeply. 'What was that test they talked about?', he asked himself, 'Is it this? What do they want from us? Don't they see what they are doing with Kitt?' He looked at the darkness again. 'And will this tunnel ever end? I don't know how much more Kitt can take. We need to find something, something like life.'

Suddenly, Zach stopped. "Oh boy...." He sighed and looked at the two corridors. "Which one shall we take?"

Kitt didn't say anything. 'She depends on me,' Zach thought again, 'I can't let her down now!'

"We'll take the right." He decided and walked through it with Kitt still hanging on his hand.

Outside the cave, no one knows where, 5 little girls looked into a mirror. Chibi Kim giggled. "Nothing is what is seems Zach." She giggled again. "This isn't the real test. Life is a test on itself...."

The Chibi's gathered together again and concentrated.


In the mean while, Zach and Kitt didn't know what happened at the Chibi's place. Suddenly, Zach pointed. "Look, a light!" He exclaimed. "It must be the way out."

Kitt felt a bit relieved and they both ran towards the light. But instead of finding the way out, they found a great pond full of lava. And across the lake of fire, there was some sort of magical portal, showing them the way to the forest. But neither knew how to get there.

Kitt started crying again. "So close, yet so far." She cried. "We'll never get out of this place!"

Zach comforted Kitt again. "Don't worry, I'll find a way. At least, I hope I will."

End of episode  9

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