Serenay Moon
Episode 5: True Nature
©2001 Kitty Ocean
Edited by: Archmage Lia

"Hi mom, it's me!"

Zach sat behind a videophone while he talked to his mother. Kitt sat in the box next to him, and she could hear everything.

"Zach, honey, how nice of you to call!" His mother said. "Where are you?"

Zach was proud. "I'm on the way to GreenLeaf Haven. I took the boat and we'll reach the port within 5 hours!"

"How nice." His mother answered. "When do you think you'll reach the space center?"

Kitt got bored. She couldn't imagine that some people actually liked this kind of conversations. However, she felt too polite to burst in and end this mother-son talk.

"Kitt said that we'll probably reach it within 5 weeks!" Zach smiled.

His mother was quiet and looked questioning. "Kitt? Who's that?"

Zach slapped himself upside his head. "Totally forgot!" He yelled. "Mom, Kitt is a girl I met on the road."

Kitt sighed. If his head wasn't stuck to his body...

"Oh." His mother said. "How is she?"

This got Kitt's attention. What would he say?

"Who, Kitt?" Zach saw that his mother nodded. "Oh, she's okay. She's really nice."

Nice? Kitt was astounded and disappointed at once. He thought she was nice. And she treated him so badly! Kitt stood up and left the phone booth.

"Kitt's sitting next to me, mom, why don't you meet each other?" Zach looked around the corner, but saw Kitt was gone. 'Strange,' he thought, 'where could she be?'

Kitt walked through the ship's mall. She thought deeply. 'Why do I even bother to come along?' Kitt thought, 'He doesn't need me at all. And it will only get harder at the end. So much for the evil Kitt.'  Kitt saw herself in a window. 'Who am I?', she thought again, 'Dad wants me to be smart, Derak wants me to be his mate, but what do I want? I tried to be evil, but at the end I turned out to be nice. So why don't I try to be nice?' This was the decision Kitt made. From now on, she'd try to be friendly against Zach. However, one part of her wasn't happy yet.

Kitt walked along the last shop of the mini mall. A young girl was trying a new holiday dress, but when she spotted Kitt, she pushed away the storekeeper and ran after Kitt. "Hey Kitt, wait up!"

Kitt turned around and sighed deeply. "Oh no! Mika, I'm not in the mood!"

"How did you knew it was me?" Mika asked, astounded.

Kitt pointed at the dress. "You only changed dresses, that's it. So, where is Moka?"

"Oh, around here, somewhere." Mika waved her arms around her. "So, what's troubling you?"

"Nothing is troubling me!" Kitt answered.

Mika put an arm around her. "Don't try to fool me. C'mon, let's have a heart to heart talk. Girls only!" Mika led Kitt to the deck. She sat down on a chair and ordered Kitt to sit down also. Still not in the mood, Kitt sat down. Mika folded her legs. "Now, tell me what's wrong. Is it that Zach-boy you are traveling with?"

Kitt looked up. "No, not at all. And why do you care?"

"Hit you at the right spot!" Mika cheered. "So, what's the problem?  Do you like him?"


"Then why are you following him?"

"I don't follow him, he follows me!"


"Yeah, you don't think I would hang out with an immature boy by myself?"

Mika took some lipstick. "You are in denial, kid." She painted her lips. "But, let's pretend that you don't like him, why is he following you?"

Kitt became silent. "I don't know. At first I thought he needed me, but he sometimes looks more mature than I am. If I only knew what my destiny was, then it would be a lot easier."

"Yeah..." Mika sighed. "Life isn't easy." She jumped up. "You know, who needs boys anyway! Let's go to the play-field and play some... oh, I don't know, shuffleboard!" Kitt looked at Mika. "C'mon, it will be fun! No boys, just us girls."

Mika pulled Kitt along to the shuffleboard area. Strangely, the field was empty and no one could be seen within range. It seemed empty, deserted. "Well, at least we can pick the field we want." Kitt took some gear and tried to make her first move. She focused, until suddenly 2 feet appeared and blocked the way. "Out of my way Moka." Kitt sighed. "I already told Mika I wasn't in the mood."

Moka stood proudly. "How entertaining is the ignorant mind!" He exclaimed. "You fool, you flew directly into our arms!"

Kitt leaned on her shuffle stick. "You know, I really don't see the fun in this."

"Of course, you should be afraid of us!" Mika laughed. "We are evil and we trapped you!"

"I don't mean you, I meant the game." Kitt threw away the stick. "I'm outta here."

Mika and Moka blocked the way. "We won't let you go." They stepped towards Kitt.

Kitt sighed deeply and after a few stars, and a huge cloud that prevented little kids from seeing to much violence, Kitt walked away.

Defeated, Moka sighed: "We'll get you girl...."

"And your little puppy, too...." Mika added.

"Wow! That was awesome!" Kitt looked at the little boy. "How did you do that?"

Kitt smiled. "Hey, aren't you from Gyvon, that planet near Hyago?"

The boy nodded. "Yeah, my parents emigrated to earth 2 years ago. I'm Ullyn."

"I'm Kitt." Kitt said back. "Nice to meet you."

The boy looked enthusiastic. "Can you teach me how to fight like that?"

Kitt looked astounded. "T-teaching you how to fight?" She asked.

"Uh-huh!" The boy nodded.

"The things that took me 10 years to learn, in 1 hour?"


"I should teach you how to fight?"

Ullyn looked at Kitt. "Um, yeah, didn't I just ask that? Is there a problem?"

"No, not at all!" Kitt smiled. "Let's go to the gymnasium, okay?" Kitt walked away, while Ullyn followed her jumping.

In the mean while, Zach hung up from his phone call. He asked himself where Kitt could be. He hadn't seen her since he started talking to his mother. Zach hoped she would be all right. It probably doesn't mean a thing, but Zach kept on thinking about Derak, and Moka and Mika. What if they would be here too?

Zach bumped against a guy. "I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's okay." The alien said back. "Hey, there is some girl who's giving some fighting demonstration. She accepts every challenge!"

Zach became curious. A girl who accepted every challenge? She must have quite some ego if she would do that. 'Let's meet that egoshipper', Zach thought.

In the gymnasium, Zach pushed himself forward. "Pardon, Excuse me, little guy, coming through." Finally, he reached the end of the row and he could see who was fighting. At that moment, Kitt managed to defeat a Jaroon, from the planet with the
greatest fighters. The Jaroon crawled back up. "Great technique." He complimented and bowed. "You are a great warrior."

"Thanks." Kitt gave him a thumbs-up. "You were an awesome opponent." Kitt turned to Ullyn. "Well Ullyn, what do you say?"

"Megatastic!" The boy cheered.

Zach smirked. "Looks like you found yourself a cheerleader Kitt." He laughed. Kitt was shocked. She couldn't say a thing. Zach saw her face. "Hey, how about a fight, me against you?"

"Me?" Kitt was astounded. "Against you? No way!"

"Why not? It'll be fun."

Kitt shook her head. "Oh no! I'm not gonna fight you. I don't fight against friends."

"Friends?" Zach noticed. "Hey, wasn't one of your rules...?"

Suddenly, a huge creature pushed Zach away. The alien pointed at Kitt. "You! Against me!" He demanded.

"Hmpf!" Kitt answered. "Can't you even say please?"

"Silent woman!" The alien yelled. "Fight!"

"Okay...." Zach sat down. He wondered if Kitt was strong enough. This alien looked very very strong. He saw that Kitt just stood there while the alien charged at her. At the final moment, Kitt jumped away and kicked him.

"Nice, woman, but not good enough!"  Kitt said nothing and waited for the next move. Kitt dove away just in time and
tackled him. She smiled confidently, but the alien used a swift kick to tackle her. Kitt fell on the floor and when she finally knew what up and under was again, she saw the alien diving towards her. She managed to get away in time, but when he landed, the whole boat shook!

The fight continued, where both Kitt and the alien got hit. At the end, the alien charged again at her. Zach saw that Kitt looked at his side and he wondered what she saw there. Suddenly, she dove away and kicked the alien in his side. He fell on the floor and screamed in agony.

Zach ran at Kitt. "Wow, how did you...?"

"I saw he protected his side." She answered without looking at him. "I figured out he probably would have some scar there."

"Where did you learn that?" Zach asked, but he didn't get an answer.

Kitt walked to the alien. She touched him. "The fight is over." She said.

"You woman, you good!" He said and crawled back on his feet. "You...." He turned around, ashamed. "Ullyn, come."

Ullyn followed the man. "Yes, dad," he answered and waved Kitt good bye.

At night, during the sunset (an hour before the ship would reach GreenLeaf Haven), Kitt and Zach walked by the pool. Both were silent. Kitt felt strange again. 'This being nice stuff feels okay,' she thought, 'I guess I'll try that for a while'.

Suddenly, she slipped away, heading for the pool, but Zach grabbed her in time. Their eyes met each other and both were silent again. But then, Zach suddenly let go of Kitt!

Kitt fell in the pool. "That's it! I won't try to be nice anymore, Zach!" She yelled. "Why did you do that for?"

"Your eyes!" Zach pointed at Kitt. "They changed color!"

Kitt climbed out of the pool. "They didn't. They are still the same 3 colors: purple, blue and green."

"But I saw..." Zach tried, but Kitt stopped him.

"I assure you that they didn't. Maybe you are just tired." Kitt said. "Or maybe you just need to cool down!" And she pushed Zach into the water. Now, she was happy again.

End of episode  5

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