
Name: Tempus
Age: The Lord of Time has no age!... or so he claims
Image: Colour, the guy with the hourglass
Home planet: Unknown, probably Umbra 6
Love Interest: Aletheia, unless it's about business
Originally created by: Kitty Ocean (Writer) for the name and looks, Rocket Stevo (Writer) for the personality.

Tempus is the leader of The Ancient Warriors and the uncle of Courage; his sister's daughter. He hated his brother-in-law and his niece, but took his niece in after his sister and brother-in-law passed away. He's a villan-for-hire, doing things for the highest bidder.
Commanding Time, Tempus can turn someone into a child and even an old person with the snap of his fingers. He is also very smart, proving his wits when he turned out to be one of the toughest opponents of Zach and his friends. Too bad he used his brains for evil...
We didn't really get to know Tempus or what he liked or disliked, except that Courage decided to haunt him after he had killed her and that Queen BlackHeart finished him off. Now he's happy in the after life, being reunited with Aletheia and enjoying a peaceful afterlife...

Weapon: He had a hourglass that helped him focus his energy, but he didn't really need it.
Element: The realm Time, as well as Lightning Attacks (Air)