Lord Inferno

Name: Lord Inferno
Age: Older than you think... way older
Image: None... it's a mystery!
Home planet: Unknown; we always thought Umbra 6...
Love Interest: Is he even capable of love?
Originally created by: Kitty Ocean (writer)

Lord Inferno is the Big Bad of Serenay Moon. He was the cause of simply everything! Starleen's terrible illness during her infancy, the death of Mika and Moka's family, the turning of Endorah BlackHeart, the disappearance of Mika's friends... you name it and he caused it somehow.
Lord Inferno is smarter than Moka, smarter than Starleen! Whatever he plans, it always ends up the way he planned to. He seems to be looking for something and he's quite upset about that... blaming it all on The Guardians. But is it really their fault?
Shall we ever find out what he is after? It seems the fate of the universe is in the hands of one little girl...

He doesn't need any
Element: The Darkest Darkness