Liz Green

Name: Liz Green
Age: Age 16 in Episode 16
Image: Colour, Colour
Home planet: Earth
Love Interest: Daemon (Souls for the Master) (A minor interest, may I add. Not really working out)
Originally created by: Based upon an online friend, 'Rocket Liz', adapted by Kitty Ocean (Writer)

Liz only appeared once in season 1, making most wonder why she was even there. She seemed to possess the power of Dreams and appeared more often in season 2. It was revealed she was Derak's sister, whom he thought was missing/lost.
Liz is a level-headed girl with a deep dedication to her task. Recruited by the guardian Tiamat, she was the second 'Soldier' to be born. She sometimes gets lost in her task, willing to do whatever needed to protect the universe. This can make her gloomy and sometimes people think she's too mature for her age.
Within the group, Liz can be considered the only 'sane' one. She's calm, rational, smart, dedicated... Yet, she is not leader-material. She can be quite solo, while Zach keeps the group together.

Crystal Heart
Element: Dreams