To Infinity and Beyond

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To infinity and beyond

Episode 6: No peeking

©2002 Kitty Ocean (after an enormous break)


Nané sat in a chair and was actually not listing to Commander Nebula. She knew what he was saying; it was irresponsible to go to planet Z alone. All could have gone wrong. She knew that herself; so she thought it was unnecessary to sit here for almost an hour to listen to things she already knew.

"I think you know the consequences?" Commander Nebula asked. Nané nodded. "However..." He then started. "I don't know if they will be of much use." Nané looked up. She was very confused; did he just say she wouldn't get punished? "I'll have to think of something else, report back here at 6 a.m." Nané still looked confused. "Dismissed."

Nané stood up and went to her quarters. While she was walking through the hall, she didn't notice the looks of her fellow rookies. "Not getting punished?" She mumbled in herself. "Something else? What will he come up with?"

In her room she sat down and looked at a picture with her and her stepsister Corona. Suddenly she heard a voice.


Nané's face lit up. *Warp! * She send back. *How are you? Was Zurg very angry? *

*Of course. * The answer was. *But he was convinced it was not 100% my fault. First he was angry at me, but then cursed a lot at you. So, why did you come? *

Nané explained the whole matter and her talk with Commander Nebula. *If he wanted to suspend me, he would have already done it. * She concluded.

*He wants you in Star Command, you are too good. * Warp replied.

Nané grinned. *Me? Good? * She laughed in herself. *If I was so good I wouldn't have let me get challenged. *

*There is a difference between being good and being smart. * Warp send. *What you did was plain dumb. Dang, Zurg's here. Gotta go! *

Nané sat down on her bed. "I'm so crazy." She sighed and lay herself back. "Befriending Star Command's biggest betrayer. I just hope... my punishment won't be that hard..."


"What?!" Nané exclaimed when she had heard her punishment.

Buzz stepped forward. "Commander, you have to be kidding!" He raised his voice. "No way you could have..."

Commander Nebula raised his hand, telling Buzz he had made up his mind. He looked at the gazing Nané. "You have heard your punishment. And you are going to fulfil it too."

"But... but... but." Nané stuttered. "I can't be in charge of a mission!" She then pointed at Buzz Lightyear. "He outranks me! I'm just a rookie; how could I be in charge of HIM!"

"That's not my problem." Commander Nebula walked away. "You heard your mission, and there is no discussion left."

Booster, Mira and XR looked at Buzz and Nané. "Guys, say hello to our new teamleader." XR mumbled.

Nané looked at the team who had been assigned to her. Suddenly she was in charge of the elite force of Star Command. "Oh man, this is definitely the worst punishment ever!" She mumbled then in herself. "I wonder if he talked to Corona. Sounds like something she would come up with."

Mira lay a hand on Buzz's shoulder. "At least... try it." She suggested.

Buzz sighed deeply. Orders were orders. He had trouble saying it, and it took a lot from him. "What are your... orders... Miss Kim..."

Nané looked at Buzz. She hesitated for a moment. "Well ehm... I guess we should go then..." In the ship, no one moved. "Right." Nané continued. "Orders. Ehm... just sit where you always sit. I'm not qualified to launch such a big ship yet."

Grumbling, Buzz followed the orders. "Yes Ma'am." He said growling.

Booster looked at Buzz and then at Mira. "He's not happy with this."

Mira looked at Buzz and Nané. "I think this is a good way to teach Nané some responsibility, but I don't think Commander Nebula should have chosen Buzz..."


This is where I got stranded last time. From now on, only new versions will appear, as this is the end of the first version.


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