Forever Young Eternity 5:
Rise of darkness

Synopsis - Characters - Gallery

Beware; this section may contain spoilers! I shall only list the most important characters.



Birthday: 3rd of Likuhtee
Hair colour: Purple
Eye colour: Orange
Sometimes it's hard not to feel superior. However, negative thoughts like these are dangerous for Naraku! She has grown a lot, but still has a lot to learn. Her curiousity sometimes still gets the best of her; a treat she seems to have passed on...



Birthday: 12th of Seemas
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown with green
Matsuru is building up his own life and does the best he can to aide Naraku as her advisor. He is sometimes a bit jealous of both Naraku and Blade, but his time will come. He can wait.



Birthday: 26th of Antsumei
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Dark blue (almost black)
Blade has calmed down a lot, but still loves to pick fights. He still practises every day, sometimes with the one he loves above all. His efforts seem to be in vain though; his pupil doesn't seem to want to learn.



Birthday: 4th of Pentáh
Hair colour: Red
Eye colour: Cerulean
Her earth powers may still be locked away, but her witchcraft is surely growing! Sushi's dream has also come true; now she can finally make cute-cute little outfits as well!



Birthday: 10th of Yulatee
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown
Mayonaka has a new student, who will surpass her if she doesn't watch out. His skills are remarkable, especially considering his age. At this moment, Mayonaka still has things she can teach him, but soon he'll be a better reader and writer than she is. A part of her is overjoyed, while the other part is often... confused about her student's cold nature.



Birthday: 5th of Purilh
Hair colour: Chestnut brown
Eye colour: Blue
Ao lives from day to day. He has accepted his future and simply waits for the day to come. In the meanwhile, he does his best he can to protect MorningSnow and the ones he loves.


8th of Aqway
Hair colour: Ochre
Eye colour: Sea green-blue/Teal
Now that Naraku's magic has calmed down, Rain finally can be a teacher once again. However, he doesn't have one student anymore; Rain has two! It's hard being their teacher though; sometimes they have the same non-existing attention span...


2nd of Nyhmsee
Hair colour: Orange
Eye colour: Brown
Kai does the best he can to aide Rain, but it's hard staying serious if you want to play along! I wonder if he's actually a help for Rain, or that he's being more of a pain than Rain's students. Also, don't enter his kitchen, if you value your life. Kai is still the cook and animal-caretaker and will defend that position with all his might!



Birthday: 25th of Murakai
Hair colour: Lilac-blue/Lavender-blue
Eye colour: Cupper
If you thought Kai lived on sugar, then brace yourself! She's annoying, lovable, bounces around all day and night and is both a blessing and a curse. She is still a child, but one thing is for sure: when she grows up, she wants to be just as cool, pretty, powerful, awesome, magical and strong as her mother!

Mah-Lin, later costume


Birthday: 20th of Hairah
Hair colour: Dark blue
Eye colour: Dark blue (almost black; darker than Blade's)
Mah-Lin has put down her rebellious nature, but has not lost her touch. She often needs to calm down her love and convince him all will be right and that some have to follow their own path. And even though the woman has put down her sword at the moment... she can still kick Blade's behind any time!


Birthday: 18th of Yulakin
Hair colour: Blue
Eye colour: Brown
Keiran enjoys looking at both Yume and Naraku. He enjoys his life; being actually the man behind the woman. He is not adventurous anymore, but realises his chieftess has other obligations. He will stay at home and protect the castle, while she goes out to save the world.


Birthday: 21st of Aqway
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Green
They hoped for him to be just as skilled as them. They hoped he would be just as adventurous as they were. But instead they got Graven; a bookworm. Graven enjoys reading and often spends his free time in the library. Will he ever be just as skilled as they are, or will these skills skip a generation?


Birthday: 21st of Yulatee
Hair colour: White
Eye colour: Yellow
Grasshopper now lives in two worlds, both loving them equally. She will most likely never learn to speak or how to dress decently, but The IceHunters don't care. As long as she behaves when visitors come over.


Birthday: 2nd of Seemas
Hair colour: Blond
Eye colour: Baby blue
Irina wants to fulfil Matsuru's wish, but keeps her distance. Irina uses her knowledge of herbs to be the tribe's non-magic healer. She doesn't speak more than needed, but what she says always is worth listening to.


Birthday: 13th of Unamei
Hair colour: Fuschia/Magenta
Eye colour: Fuschia/Magenta
There is a whole world out there; one Suta has never seen before. Emotions have hardly ever been a part of her; does she even know how to smile? Oh, that doesn't matter. Her new best friend will teach her that.


Birthday: 24th of Aqway
Fur colour: Grey
Eye colour: Orange
If you thought her mother was silent, then get ready for Whisper! She can move around without making any sound, which is quite remarkable for this energetic character. She's Yume's best playmate and Grasshopper's partner in crime.

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