Serenay Moon
Special VII: Dairy of a dumb-ass I
©2001 Kitty Ocean


I haven't told anyone this before. Maybe I should, before it's too late. I'll start with the beginning. I don't remember anything about my childhood, except for what my mother has told me.

I already caused trouble with my birth. My mother didn't want to know if she would get a boy or a girl, so she didn't make an echo. I've seen what happened; my uncle made a video about it. Just after my sister, Starleen, was born, things seemed to go wrong. Doctors thought about serious complications, until they noticed what was really wrong!

I didn't even have a name after I was born. My parents expected one child; if it was a boy they would call it Mike, if it would be a girl Starleen. But now they had 2 girls.

My mother thanked the nurse who saw that the 'complication' was a second child. She saw the name tag: Kitty. That's how I got my name; named after the nurse who was the smartest of all doctors.

At home, there was only one bed, but my uncle gave us a crib that belonged to his child. That's how I ended up in a second hand bed. At that moment, I was the unexpected child, more favoured than her sister. It must have felt wonderful.

But every time things seem cool in my life, things go wrong. So this happiness went wrong also. A month after I was born, Star got some sort of disease and was about to die. My mother told me later that all the time Star was at the Intensive Care of the Children's Hospital, I never smiled. Guess I'd better admit it, before I can't admit it at all anymore. I love my sister. She is part of me. Okay, we fight a lot, but who doesn't?

Star recovered and came home again. From that moment, she was my parents favourite. I think at that moment I felt what it was like to be jealous. But who can blame my parents? After all, they almost lost a daughter. How could my mother know that thanks to this she would loose me? She was just being a mother!


One night, when I was still at home, my mother told me again of our first trip to the beach. I must have been around 3 years old and honestly, I don't remember anything about it, except for the joy I get inside me when I think about the sea.

My mother told me she had never seen me so happy. While Star could already talk a lot, my parents wondered when I started talking. I hadn't said one word yet. After they found out I would turn into a chatterbox, they were really sorry that they ever worried about that.

But anyway, back to the beach. Each time, my mother had to drag me back from the sea; I kept on going there even though she forbid me to do so. Star on the other hand, had trouble going off the towel. She hated the sand. Each time my mother tried to get her to play in the sand, she began to scream like never before.

At lunch, we ate sandwiches and cookies. I didn't eat that much (that's different from now- my stomach doesn't seem to have a bottom!) so I was quickly ready. Suddenly, some wind blew sand on Star's cookie and she started screaming. She demanded a new cookie, but my mother had enough of her. While my mother and father were busy with her, I managed to escape again and headed of for the ocean.

My mother told me that she remembered something strange. She thought she had heard something, but it must have been the wind. However, she still remembered the words she heard: 'So this is the one I have to destroy? Hardly worth my while, but my Lady commands me.'

At that moment, she looked up and saw me sitting, looking at the water. She screamed my name and I looked back. My mother already saw what would happen. A huge wave (maybe a tidal wave) was heading for me. When I looked back at the sea, I saw that the water was already above me. I could have never escaped.

My father had to keep my mother with him so she wouldn't run after me and drown. Mom said that even though he would never admit it, both thought they had lost me. And when they looked up again, they saw the water was returning to the sea and there I was! Still at the same spot. This must have been the first time I used my magical powers, because I couldn't have survived this without.

I don't know if the rest what happened was a dream or reality. This is the only part I still know and I don't know why and if it's true.

On a rock, far away from the coast, near the reef, stood a man in a black outfit. I saw him so clearly, though he was so far away. Maybe he cursed because he failed, I don't know, I don't know the man either, but I could imagine how he would have felt.

I saw him aiming another attack and black energy shot at my through the ocean. But before it could hit me, I must have created a wall of water to protect me, because the energy never hit me.

I don't know how it happened, but suddenly an undercurrent shot to the surface and formed a water tornado which headed for the black figure. When he tried to get away, he fell of the cliff and headed towards the sea. But the tornado grabbed him first and swung him in the air, and he vanished behind the horizon.

All the people on the beach must have been very surprised because what happened. I know I would. But mom said that when she ran at me and grabbed me I smiled and said my first word: 'Safe'.

My mother took me along and quickly they drove home. After this story, mom told me that she should have seen that something was different about me, but she didn't. She was just glad I was safe.


I'm glad I finally told this to somebody, before it would be lost forever. Dear dairy, I will write more later, but now I have to go and kick Zach's butt again for being stupid. We just arrived here at my place and within 2 weeks, we will go to Zach's place to spend some time. After that, we don't know what we will do, we'll see. 



The end.

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