Serenay Moon
Special II: Mika and Moka
© Rocket Stevo 2001  


Mika and Moka sat under a tree. Mika sighed as she powdered her face. "Hey Moka, when are we going to get up and go after Zach?" Mika asked.

"Calm down Mika, we have a few minutes to spare, let me just take a nap." Moka said and turned over to his side.

Mika grumbled and continued powering her face. She looked up in the sky and watched the sun shining down on her. "Mother, Father, my friends.." she sighed.


In a far away hospital, a mother had given birth to a young girl. "Congratulations Miss!" the doctor said wrapping the baby in a blanket.

The mother looked at the baby crying as it opened her eyes. "Awwwwww! How cute, she looks cute." The nurses said gathering around her.

The father hugged his wife as they gazed at the young girl sucking her thumb. "What are you going to name her, Karin?" the father asked her.

"I think I'll call her Mika!" Karin said as the young baby looked around.


"Awwww! Mommy! I don't want to go to school!" Mika cried as she put on her special pink dress.

"Come on Mika, you get to meet new friends!" Karin said, "And also you get to learn things too!"

Mika grumbled as she got into the car with her dad. "Daddy, can you don't take me to school and leave me home with mommy." Mika asked and showed her puppy eyes.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but if I did, the police would come after me!" The father answered and they drove away.


At school, Mika had a great time, she had met new friends just like her mommy had told her.

"Hi I'm Mika!" She said and shook hands with other kids.

"I'm Rocket Stevo!" A boy answered and shook her hand.

"I'm Rini Bubbles, but I'm called RB!" A girl said and shook her hand.

"And I'm Kem!" A girl said and she too shook her hand.

"Let's play!" said Rocket Stevo as he raced off towards the slide.

Mika, Kem, and RB ran after him and they all tackled him. They all laughed including Rocket Stevo.


After many years had passed, Mika was 14 years old and was in middle school. Her friends were still with her. They always promised not to let go of each other.

One day, a new transfer student appeared. "I'm Moka!" the boy replied and wrote his name on the board.

"Hi Moka!" the class replied and Moka bowed.

"Okay, Moka, you can sit behind Mika!" the teacher said and pointed towards Mika.

Mika watched as the boy sat behind her and combed his hair. Mika turned around to see him and he smiled at her. Mika blushed and held a book in front of her face.


At lunch, Mika sat with her friends. "Boy that Moka seems pretty cool!" Rocket Stevo said as he chomped into his sandwich.

"Yeah! He seems to become very popular with every girl in here." Kem agreed and drank her soda.

Mika didn't say anything, she could only remember Moka smiling at her and she felt happy.

"HELLO! MIKA?" RB waved her hand in her face.

"Oh! Hi! Nothing's wrong! I was.." said Mika blushing.

"Man, is something wrong Mika? It looks like you like Moka!" Rocket Stevo said poking her in the arm.

"No! I don’t! Really! Heh, heh!" Mika said.

"I doubt it! I bet you want to kiss him and.." Rocket Stevo said and was smacked in the face by a sandwich.


After school, Mika walked by herself. She sighed unhappily because she had no one to be with. Rocket Stevo was in a basketball game, RB was practicing her violin with her music teacher, and Kem was in study hall.

She felt a tap on her shoulder. She thought it was a robber that was after her, so she kicked the person.

"OUCH! HEY, Be easy on me!" The person said as he got up.

It was Moka and he got a scar on his cheek.

Mika gasped "Oh I'm sorry Moka! Here let me clean it!" She reached into her backpack and cleaned the cut and placed a band-aid. "There! You are better!" Mika smiled and started walking away.

"Mika! Wait!" Moka said.

Mika stopped and Moka walked at her.

"Um.. Thanks! Uh.. You want me to walk you home?" Moka said stuttering.

Mika looked at him and Moka smiled at her. She blushed and said "Okay!"


When they got to Mika's house, it was caught on fire. "WHAT...What happened?" Mika yelled and rushed over to the firemen.

"Hey miss... stay out of the way!" one of them said.

"What happened?" Mika asked.

"Someone planted a bomb in there and this is what happened!" the fireman said.

"Is my mother okay?" Mika asked.

The fireman look at his shoe and said "Um.....I'm afraid not and uh...I'm afraid when your father tried to rescue her, the roof fell on top of him."

Mika started crying in Moka's arms and cried.


Next morning, Rocket Stevo drank soda as Mika cried on her desk. “Damn girl! You cry so much, you might dry up as a prune! Heh!” As an answer, Mika punched Rocket Stevo and the soda spilled on him.

RB and Kem came into class. “We heard the news, Mika!” RB said as she pat Mika, “Don’t worry, we’ll find out who did this!”

Kem cracked her knuckles and said “AND GIVE THEM THE BEATING THEY’LL NEVER FORGET!”

Rocket Stevo got up and grinned too “Yeah! I’ll even make sure they’ll leave us alone forever!” The three kids cheered, but Mika just lay on her desk.

When school ended, Rocket Stevo, Kem, and RB walked Mika home. Kem smiled “Come on you guys! I’ll bake us some cookies!”

Rocket Stevo grumbled “Man! I’ll miss my basketball game for this!”

RB smacked Rocket Stevo on the head, “If case you didn’t notice, Mika needs our help! We will going to her house and see if the figure comes back for her!”

“That’s right! She’s our friend and friends help each other!” Kem said.

It was quiet as the kids sat around drinking tea and cookies. Mika was still unhappy as she sipped her tea. “Hey why don’t I tell a joke!” Rocket Stevo said, “Okay, there was two blond couples and…”

RB smacked Rocket Stevo in the head and sighed. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. “Who could that be?” Kem said as she opened the door, “Moka?”

“Hi! Is Mika here?” Moka asked.

“Yeah she’s here!” Kem said and lead him towards the living room.

“Hi Mika! I um…got you flowers!” Moka said. Mika suddenly grabbed Moka and cried more. “It’s okay Mika!” Moka said and hugged her.

Suddenly, the windows of the living room broke. A black figure appeared. “I found you two!” The figure said and pointed at Mika and Moka. “You are the ones my Lady wanted. With you out of the way, I’ll be taken over the world!” The figure cried out and launched out his power attacks towards them.

Mika and Moka gasped, but Rocket Stevo tackled them down. “You two get away, we will handle this guy!” Rocket Stevo ordered and jumped towards the guy. “I don’t who you are, but you have no business to be here! RUBY ROCKET!” Rocket Stevo punched the figure thousand times, but the figure smacked him onto the floor.

“Let me try!” Kem said, “Butterfly Storm!” Kem send out flying colored butterflies towards the figure, but he smashed them away, but got tackled by RB.

“BUBBLES!” RB cried and a bunch of bubbles wrapped around the figure.

“You are dead!” Rocket Stevo cried and the three kids punched and kicked the figure. The figure smashed them away and threw a black net around them. The three kids couldn’t move and were sound asleep.

“HAHAHA! What do you think of that? Now it’s your turn!” The figure cried, but Moka smacked the guy in the face.

“Run Mika!” Moka cried as he punched the figure. Mika didn’t know what to do. Should she run or save Moka? Finally, she got up and stood there. Then she ran up and smacked the figure in the face. “What?” Moka ask surprised.

“I can’t let you hog up the fun!” Mika said and smacked the figure in the face again. “Arrgghh! You people!” The figure cried and tried to hit them. Moka and Mika quickly dodged the attack and both kicked him in the face.

“Take that!” Moka cried.

“And that!” Mika cried as they punched and kicked the figure.

Finally the figure collapsed onto the floor. “You may have won this time, but I’ll get you next time!” The figure said and disappeared with the net.

The room was empty and quiet. Mika sniffed a bit knowing the figure took her friends. “COME BACK!” she cried, but she knew they were gone just like her mother and father. Moka hugged her as Mika cried. “It’s okay Mika! I’ll take care of you! Mika? Mika? Mikaaaaa….”


"Hey Mika! Mika?" a voice called and Mika woke up!

"Hey Mika you okay?" Moka said.

"Yeah I'm fine Moka!" Mika said and hugged him.

Moka smiled "Good, Hey there are Zach and Kitt! Let's go get them!"

"Okay!" Mika cried and they jumped out the tree.

Mika smiled, even though her mother is gone and her friends, she still has Moka,

as her friend forever. “Someday,” She thought, “I’ll find you my friends, where ever you are!” As she looked into the sky and the clouds were shaped as her three friends.  

The end.

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