Serenay Moon
Part 32: Our guardian angel
©2001 Kitty Ocean
Edited by: Cat


Zach tried to wake up, but he knew he was too weak. He felt the water coming closer and he couldn't hold his breath any longer. He knew he was afraid. Not only because he was about to die, but also because he failed. He failed to protect his team. All were about to die, because of him....

Suddenly Zach felt he was dragged into a whirlpool. 'This is really it', he thought, when suddenly the water pushed him to the surface and on the land. Zach coughed and tried to let the water get out of him. He heard other voices and he looked up.

There they all were, Mika, Moka and Derak, coughing, but alive. Zach knew who had saved them, but where was Kitt?

Zach tried to get up, when he finally saw her. "I don't think I want to see any more water for the next 3 years." She smiled softly. Zach smiled back.


After half an hour, all were feeling better again. "I can't believe we fell into the same trap!" Derak cursed. "First Aletheia, and now Ryu. I shouldn't have come along."

"Why did you come along any way?" Kitt asked.

Derak sweat dropped. "Ehm, Lady Gaia was really persuasive." He remembered it very well. He decided not to come along, and Lady Gaia said that if he didn't go along... he would.... Derak pushed the thought away.

"We better take some rest." Zach said. "So far, Ryu thinks we are dead."

Moka grumbled. "Well, it will only take some time before he finds out we are still alive."

Mika clutched to Zach. "I'm afraid." She whined.

Kitt felt herself boiling again! She looked aside, annoyed, when she saw Moka boiling too! Maybe....

Zach stood up. "We’d better not stay here. Let's head for those hills and try to find a cave to hide or something like that."

All thought that was a good idea and stepped up. Derak took his jacket. "Hmpf." He noticed. "It's still wet."

"So is mine, but you don't hear me complaining." Kitt snapped back.

"Yes I did!" Derak smiled. "You just whined about it!"

Kitt growled. "Smartass." She cursed.


Carefully, Zach, Mika, Moka, Kitt and Derak crossed the field and headed for the hills. They looked around themselves each moment. Now they were ready for any attack by any Ancient Warrior. They had defeated Aletheia, but Ryu managed to defeat them with the same trick. 'We are such idiots' Zach thought. 'Tricked twice with the same trick. Even if we manage to defeat Ryu, the next Ancient Warrior will use the same trick and we will fall for it again.'


Zach snapped up. Kitt had stopped walking. "Why have you stopped?" Zach asked.

"I don't know much about you, but I would like to eat something. There is a fruit tree there."

"Fruit!" Mika exclaimed happily. "And look! They are even pink!"

She wanted to run at them, but just before she could grab any, Moka tackled her. "Wait! Maybe they are poisonous."

Derak plucked a piece. "I don't think so." He answered. "It feels good."

"How do you know that?" Zach asked.

Derak lifted his shoulders. "A gift I have since I was young."

Kitt pocked him. "Just like your brand new shiny attack? Why haven't you told us you had magical powers?"

"Oh, just because." Was the answer. Derak started plucking the apples.


That night, they managed to reach the hills safely. After finding a cave, Zach started a fire and Mika and Derak were out to gather some more food. Kitt managed to cook something from it.

"It tastes good." Zach complimented.

Kitt smiled. "Well, if you have a brat as a sister who is good in anything, there is hardly anything left to be good at. Cooking was one thing."

"Why don't you do it more often?" Mika asked. "I can picture it: Mika's and Kitty's dining room."

"Why Mika and Kitty?" Moka wanted to know.

"Isn't that obvious?" Mika replied. "I'll do the decoration because Kitt has lousy taste!"

Kitt jumped up and Derak and Zach tried to hold her back from attacking Mika.  


After dinner, Mika and Moka decided to take the first watch while the rest took a nap. "You think Ryu doesn't look for us any more?" Mika asked frightened.

"Don't worry." Moka tried to ease her. "I'll protect you."


While outside everything seemed peacefully, Zach started to have a dream. He saw his father. "Dad!" He yelled and ran at him. However, his father pushed him away.


"It's your fault!"


Courage sat down next to the small boy. "What'ya doing this time Ryu?" She laughed. "Like there is anything you can do while sitting here, looking in that glass thing. You'll fail, just like...."

"Shut up!" Ryu yelled. "I'm working. Or else I'll bug you in your dreams too tonight." 


"My fault?" Zach replied. "What is my fault?"

"It's your fault your mom is in the hospital."

"What?" Zach exclaimed. "Mom? In the hospital, when, how?"

"I told you to clean up your room before you left, but no, Mister Serenay Moon Champion has to save the world while his mother trips over his toys."

Zach was astounded. His mom tripped over his toys? He knew he had to clean up his room sooner, he wasn't playing with them since he was a lot younger. "Is she going to be fine?" He asked.

"Not thanks to you!" His father yelled. "I don't want to see you any more! You are no longer my son!"

"What?!" Zach screamed. "But dad...." Suddenly his father vanished. "Dad! Please come back! Dad!" He started to sniff. "Dad... I'm sorry. Please come back...."

"What are you sorry for?" He suddenly heard. Zach turned around and saw a young girl. She had blond hair and smiled friendly.

"Who, who are you?" Zach asked after rubbing away his tears.

The girl walked at him. "My name is Liz. Don't worry, I'm a nice girl."

Zach looked away. "Well I'm not, so you’d better leave."

"Why aren't you nice?" Liz asked. "Because you don't always clean your room? Every kid does that."

"Yeah, but your mom doesn't trip over your toys and ends up in the hospital."

"Who said that?" Liz wanted to know.

"My dad."

"How can you be sure it was your dad?"


"Have you ever considered that this might be a trick from Ryu?" Zach was astounded. Liz took him by the shoulders. "You must fight him Zach!" She ordered. "Only if you see through the lies you will get out of this dream. Be quick, because you will have to help the others." She stepped back and then vanished.

"Wait, Liz! What do you mean?" Zach yelled.


In the mean while, Mika was very bored and started to clean her nails. Moka looked at the others. "They look so peaceful." He mumbled. "I want to get some sleep too."

"We will, we will." Mika sighed. "Be patient." 


"But Star! Wait!" Kitt yelled. "Mom, Dad, don't leave me!"

"You are no longer my sister." Star said. "I don't know you any more." And then they vanished. It was completely empty. Kitt crashed down. She started to cry, hiding her face in her hands. Suddenly she heard a voice.


When Kitt looked up, someone smacked her in the face. Kitt hit the floor and looked up. "Liz?!"

"Get up, Soldier of Water!" Liz demanded. "This is nothing like you."

Kitt snapped up. "How dare you hit me! I'll...."

"No, you will do nothing!" Kitt calmed down. "You know you can trust me. You remember the time we watched Zach's dream together?"

Kitt nodded. "That's what this is, only a dream!"


Courage laughed. "Well, your plan isn't going the way it should go. Never rely on magic." Ryu jumped up and ran away.

"Shut up! If it wasn't for that stupid Liz, it would have worked!" While Ryu vanished, Courage sat behind the glass sphere and looked at it.

"Oh goody, on to number 3." 


"I must go now." Liz smiled. "On to the number 3. Hardest one of all."

"What do you mean?" Kitt wanted to know, but Liz was already gone. 'Mm,' she thought, 'only a dream?' 


Moka looked up. "Something wrong?" Mika asked.

"There is something out there." Moka growled. "Wake up the others."

Mika ran away, but quickly returned. "They won't wake up!"

"What?!" Moka yelled, but then the air got filled with laughter.

From a cloud of small flying demons, small Ryu appeared. Slowly he grew into his bigger form. "Now it's between us 3...."

"Mm," Mika started. "Didn't that part remind you of something?"

"Yeah...." Moka added. "That growing part looked familiar."

Suddenly they remembered. "Oh my god!" They screamed. "He's just like the Chibi's!!!!"

"Who?" Ryu asked confused.


Derak walked through dark streets. He remembered this place well. He wanted to turn back, but each time he tried that, the route behind him vanished. He had no choice but to move on. After a while, he saw a man standing there.

"My God...." He recognised his greatest fear. "Not him...."

The man started to talk. "Well, my son, decided to come back after all?"

"I...I...I..." But that was all.

"You recognise this place, don't you?" His father continued.

Derak grabbed his head. "I don't want to! Get away!"

"The mighty king of the earth, pwah!" His father laughed sarcastically. "So mighty, he even couldn't predict a simple earthquake."

"Stop it!"

"What are you going to do? Kill me too? Just like your mother?"

"Please, don't!" Derak cried. "It wasn't my fault! I was only 8 years old!"

"You caused it, didn't you?" Derak looked up.

"It wasn't my fault." He growled angry. "I didn't want mom to die. It wasn't my fault."

"It was...." A woman stepped next to Derak's father. "Remember? You caused that earthquake and when I tried to save you... I died.... Because of you."

"I didn't want to!" Derak yelled. He saw it all happening again. Before his eyes, his mother got buried underneath the stones. "Mom! No!"

"Even little Lizzie didn't forgive you...." His father added.

"And that's where you are wrong!"

Derak looked back. "Liz?!" He exclaimed. "Is it really you?"

"It's me all right, but that aren't mom and dad." She took a little crystal gem, shaped like a heart. She held it up high and a blinding light appeared.

What were supposed to be Derak's mom and dad, suddenly turned into 2 dark gloomy slimy demons which crawled away quickly.

Liz was satisfied. All of a sudden, someone grabbed her from behind. "Lizzie! You are still alive!"

"Not for long!" Liz coughed. "Let me go!"

Derak let his sister go. "But, what's going on?" He asked.

"Those weren't mom and dad." Liz explained. "This is a dream. So actually I'm not really here. But that doesn't matter. Just trust me, Ryu wants to kill you from within."

"Well, he’s doing a great job so far." Derak looked down. "Ryu or not, he was right...." He whispered.

"No he was not."

Derak looked up. "He was! Just because I didn't master my powers completely, I caused an earthquake and mom died because of me!"

"How can you be sure you caused that earthquake?" Liz asked. "We lived in a dangerous area. It was only a matter of time." She hugged Derak. "I must go now."

"No!" Derak yelled. "Don't leave me again!"

Liz smiled. "Don't worry, we'll see each other again... It may take a while, but we'll meet again." Slowly she vanished. "It was never your fault, and dad and I never blamed you...and I'm sure mom doesn't either...." 


"Black Dragon Wings!" Ryu yelled and released another attack. Mika and Moka blasted away, but managed to get up.

"Pretty Puff!" Mika yelled, but it hardly harmed Ryu.

'We are losing this!' Moka thought, 'what can I do? What can anyone do?'

Suddenly, it felt like someone was whispering in his ear. 'Look in your soul Moka,' he heard Lady Luna say 'Release your true powers. Release your powers from the soul.'

Moka looked up. "You are right!" He yelled.

"What?" Mika exclaimed. "Have you heard him? He said: I'm going to kill you all!"

"No, Lady Luna is right!" Moka yelled and raised his arm. "Typhoon Rage!"

"What?!" Mika and Ryu were both surprised. But there was no time to think. Wind started to blow, and it became stronger and stronger!

Mika grabbed a rock, but Moka stood still. "I'm the eye of the storm!" Moka yelled. "And I'm angry!"

Ryu yelled, when the typhoon hit him with all his strength. Zach, Kitt and Derak climbed out of the cave. "What's happening?" Zach yelled and held himself close to the wall.

"Moka is defeating Ryu!" Mika yelled happily.

"Only if he doesn't blow us away too!" Kitt replied.

Ryu felt he got lifted from the ground. "You won't defeat me so easily! I will be back!"

After Ryu had vanished, the storm lay down.

"Well done Moka!" Zach complimented. "Ryu won't bother us in a while."

Moka blushed a bit. "It took a while, but I finally found my true powers. They are awesome!" Moka felt like he was on the top of the world. "I'm the Emperor of Air!"

Happily, Moka danced with Mika. Zach, Kitt and Derak watched sweat dropping. 


In the mean while, a small Ryu reached the cave again. Courage was still with the glass sphere. "Don't say anything!" Ryu grumbled. Courage laughed.

"What happened to your hair?" She had to ask. Ryu looked at her angrily, but walked on. Courage laughed until her lunges started to hurt.


End of episode 32

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