Serenay Moon
Episode 7: Poison
©2001 Kitty Ocean


After Kitt had brought Zach to the MC, he quickly recovered and they were already on their way. Zach was a bit quiet, while Kitt seemed to be happy for a long time in a while.

"Why are you so happy?  Zach asked.

"Dunno." Kitt raised her shoulders. "I'm just having a great mood, enjoy it."

Zach looked at Kitt. "Why did you fought against me? I thought you didn't fought with friends."

"I didn't fight with you." Kitt smiled. "And I thought that if you would beat me, I could never free you from the spell."

"I'm not sure if I should thank you." Zach sighed while he felt his bruises . Though the MC is a great facility, it still can't do miracles. He would have acing muscles for the next 2 days! "But at least now we know I'm stronger."

Kitt glared at him. "You are not stronger! It just wasn't my day!"

"You are a sore loser." Zach smiled and Kitt wanted to smack him. But just before her hand reached his head, she heard something.

Kitt sniffed a few times, and suddenly her face just lightened up.

"What's wrong?" Zach asked. "You are so glowing; you almost look radioactive!" He laughed at his won joke, but Kitt ignored him. She just ran away. "Hey Kitt, where are you going?"

Zach followed Kitt and noticed the concrete changed into sand. He wondered where she was going. Did she saw Derak? No, couldn't be, because then she wouldn't be so happy. Maybe Mika and Moka? No, not possible also. Now he thought about it, he wondered if they would ever meet Derak again. They hadn't seen him for days! "Let's keep it that way...." Zach sighed and saw Kitt stopped running. He joined her and saw what she was looking at.

"The ocean...." Kitt sighed. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"It's a lot of sand and a lot of water." Zach answered. "You know what beautiful is? The colors you see after you get stung by a Tellerian Night Wasp. Now that's beautiful."

But nothing could cool down Kitt's enthusiasm. Kitt ran down the hill towards the ocean. She cheered like a small child.

"Hey!" Zach yelled. "Stop! Don't move!"

Kitt stopped running immediately. "What's up? It'd better be important!"

Zach tried to catch his breath while he hurried down to Kitt. "You don't know what's underneath the surface. For all you know, there could be sharks here."

"There is nothing harmful in the sea." Kitt tried to ease him. "I've been stung by a Stone-fish and I'm still alive. Please, let me have some fun." She looked with big puppy-eyes.

"But what if a wave pulls you under water?"

"I can hold my breath for 54 seconds, so don't worry about that. I was once called the Ocean Queen."

Kitt tried to persuade Zach to let her swim. "You really love to swim, don't you?"

"Love it? I die without!"

Zach laughed and nodded his head.


After a while, Kitt was swimming in the warm water while Zach rented a surfboard. In his swimming-trunks he walked into the water. Kitt saw him and laughed.

"Have you ever surfed before?" She asked giggling.

"No, but it shouldn't be that hard to learn." Zach climbed on the board and tried to find his balance. He quickly found it. "See, it's not hard to stand still on a board."

Kitt said nothing, but just smiled. Suddenly, she pointed back. Zach turned around and saw a huge wave! He screamed while the wave crashed above him.

Zach reached the surface again and spit out some water. He saw Kitt laughing. "Never fool with the sea again." She giggled.

Zach was annoyed. He didn't gave up and climbed on the board again. And this time, he managed to stay 3 more seconds longer on the board. He tried and tried while Kitt laughed and laughed.

At the end, Zach managed to stay 5 minutes on the board. Kitt was astounded and didn't laugh any more. "How about that?" He asked proud.

"How about that!" Kitt yelled and pointed at an enormous wave.

The wave washed Zach and Kitt ashore. They were both surprised by the power of the wave , but when they saw each other, they both started to laugh again.

"How amusing." They heard.

Both turned around and gazed shocked at Derak. He stood there with his friends and Hawaiian shirt.

Kitt saw his shirt and suddenly burst out into laughter. "What are you laughing about?" Derak yelled.

"Your shirt!" Kitt pointed. "It is so totally hideous!"

Derak saw his shirt and became a bit red. He and his gang quickly changed clothes. Kitt and Zach still laughed of his shirt. Suddenly, Derak lifted Kitt and swung her over his shoulder.

"Hey Derak, what's this about?" Kitt demanded to know and tried to get loose.

Derak turned around. "You are coming home."

"In my bathing suit?" Kitt asked. "Zach, do something!"

"Zach to the rescue!" Zach yelled and stormed at Derak, but was blocked by his gang. 'I have to come up with something smart,' Zach thought, 'not using my muscles, but my mind!'

"Hey Derak, what are you afraid off?"

Derak turned around.

Kitt sighed. "I can't see anything this way."

"What did you say?" Derak growled.

"I said you were afraid." Zach said proudly. "Or else you wouldn't need so many friends."

"I don't need them to beat you."

Zach narrowed his eyes. "Oh yeah? Then how about a one on one fight? The winner gets Kitt."

"Are you crazy?" Kitt screamed. "I'm not a trophy!" Derak dropped Kitt. She bashed hard against the ground. "I've had better days...." She whined.


A few minutes later, Derak and Zach stood against each other. "The rules:," One gang member started. "No tricks are allowed. You can only use body parts and preferably those that are attached to your body. The winner is the first who stays on the floor longer than 10 seconds."

Kitt sat in her normal clothes in the sand. "Great, I'm so totally doomed. No Serenay Moon, no tournament...."

A bell rang and the match started. Derak burst at Zach and before Zach could react he received a punch in his stomach. Derak laughed.

"Nice move." Zach said while he crawled back up. "But the match isn't over yet!" Zach jumped at Derak and kicked him hard. Derak shove through the sand. Now, he was angry!

Derak charged at Zach again but this time Zach avoided his moves. The match took hours were both got hit and injured the other.

"Go Zachy-boy!" Kitt cheered like a cheerleader. "You can have him!"

Zach gazed at Kitt. She was cheering for him?

Distracted by Kitt, Zach didn't saw Derak coming for him. Derak kicked him in the face.

"Sorry!" Kitt apologized.

"Do you want me to help you or not?" Zach yelled angry.

Kitt turned to Derak. "You can't defeat him Derak!" She yelled. "He was invited for the Moon Tournament! Something you never were!"

"I will win!" Derak screamed and dug in his pocket. Suddenly, something shining flew through the air and hit Zach.

Zach grabbed his arm. He saw a knife lying next to him. The knife had cut him!

"Hey!" Kitt yelled. "That's not fair!"

"I'm not fair! I always get what I want!"

Zach stood up. "Not this time." He said. "The rule was no tricks. And since you broke that rule it's okay for me to do the same!" He raised his arms. "ZAKO Y CHOSEN!" He yelled and blasted Derak and his gang of the beach.

Unfortunately, Zach forgot in his anger that Kitt was among the gang and he blasted her into the sky too!

"Kitt!" He exclaimed. "Don't worry! I'll catch you!"

"No need to!" Kitt screamed. "The water will break my fall! And then I'll kill you!"

Kitt splashed in the sea and Zach looked at the water. He sighed relieved when he saw Kitt reaching the surface and swimming to the beach. He hoped she would forgive him; at least he saved her.

Kitt, in the mean while, was pretty annoyed because of being blasted into the sky. "I really had better days!" she growled.

Suddenly, she felt something stinging and looked back. "Oh boy...." She said while she saw the jellyfish and felt how bad stung.


Finally she reached the shore and she crawled on the sand. She breathed heavily and felt her feet hurting more and more.

"Are you all right?" Zach asked caring, not knowing what was wrong.

"Do I look alright?" Kitt suddenly exclaimed.

Zach got scared. "Yes, you look perfect! Like a pretty flower in the spring!"

"Well, I don't feel like a pretty flower...." Kitt softly answered. "Why is the sun setting so early?"

Zach looked into the blinding sun. "What are you babbling? It's noon."

"Then why is it getting so dark?" Kitt whispered.... and bashed against the sand.

End of episode  7

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