Serenay Moon
Episode 3: Pink & Blue
©2001 Kitty Ocean
Edited by: Archmage Lia

Kitt and Zach walked through the forest while Kitt ate an apple. Zach was very quiet. "What's wrong, Zach?" Kitt asked between bites.

"Do you think we lost those kids?" He asked.

Kitt laughed. "That's what's bothering you?" She looked at Zach, who looked serious. "Don't think so. M&M looked pretty stubborn to me."

Zach still looked thoughtful. 'Whatever,' Kitt thought, 'I owe him. Let's cheer him up a bit.'

Kitt smacked Zach on the back. "Don't worry. With that nifty powers of yours you'll beat them with your eyes closed!"

Zach smiled. "Yeah, neat powers eh?"

"They're okay." Kitt answered. "No need to feel perfect."

Zach folded his arms. "You are just jealous that you don't have any powers." Kitt laughed loudly as a reply. "What are you laughing about?"

Kitt wiped a little tear from her eye. "Sorry, that was funny. Me, jealous? Don't you know everybody has powers like yours?"

Zach stopped walking. "You mean, also Mika and Moka?" He looked at her. "You're lying!"

Kitt sighed. "23 of June, 2087. A nuclear power plant the size of Tryono City exploded. It was said to change humanity, but they could never expect in what way."

Zach looked depressed. He totally forgotten about that incident. "But my parents don't have powers."

"They do, but they haven't discovered them." Kitt threw away the remains of her apple. "However, it won't be much of help to you. In the Moon Tournament it's forbidden to use magical powers."

Zach became pale. He took the letter with his invitation and looked at it. "No! I also forgot that!"

Kitt smiled. "The odds are changing eh? Now, I'm tired! Carry me!"

Zach folded the letter again and put it in his backpack. He walked to Kitt. "Now you listen to me! I'm not your slave! I'm not going to carry you around any more! The fact that you are older doesn't give you the right to bully me around!"

Kitt laughed. "It was about time you stood up against me. I already wondered how long it would take. Well done kid." She walked away with a huge smile on her face.

Zach didn't understand a thing of it. This was a test?

After a while, Zach and Kitt reached Ocram Village. They decided it was better to take some rest in this small town. Zach scooped up a bench and sat down. He sighed deeply.

Kitt walked to his backpack. "Don't tell me you're already tired." She said and dug through the bag. "Hey, where are all the apples?"

"You ate them!" Zach answered. "Just like the nuts and the only melon I had. Doesn't your stomach have a bottom?"

"Not when it comes to healthy food." Kitt smiled. "And especially nuts and melons. Looks like we need more food."

Zach sighed once more. "Later okay? Just give me my water bottle."

Kitt dug through the bag again. "Can't." She said.

"Why?" Zach asked. "Did you drink up all the water too?"

Kitt shook her head and showed the water bottle. "No, but it broke!"

Zach dove to the backpack. "No!" He whined. "It just became dry!"

"Your fault." Kitt answered. "You'd better buy quality. Never look at the price when it comes to good stuff."

"If you know everything so well, why don't you go and buy me a new one?" Zach asked. "Here, here you have some money. If you know what's quality, then bring me back a good one."

Kitt took the money. "Sure. I'll show you what good stuff is. I'll buy you a pretty new pink water bottle." She walked away, into the heart of the village. Zach sighed and took everything from his backpack in order to let it dry.

It didn't cost much time to find a camping shop in the town. Kitt walked inside. She friendly greeted the man behind the counter and walked through the store. Since she wasn't in the mood for looking, she asked the man where it could be.

"Next to the backpacks." He said, smiling.

Kitt thanked the man and walked through the store. She soon found it and searched for the best one. She saw a cheap one, but she thought plastic was too weak. The old one was from plastic too. She looked further and Kitt found the one she had been looking for. It was aluminum and not too expensive.

Kitt turned around and planned to go to the counter when her eyes saw it! It was so beautiful; this was exactly what she had been looking for! The backpack was pink and blue and Kitt immediately fell in love with it.

Kitt pulled herself away. 'I can't buy it with Zach's money and it's too dangerous to buy it with my own.' She thought.

At the counter, Kitt put the water bottle on it. She dug through her pockets to find the money and after a few seconds she found it. She put it down on the counter and she saw she had taken more from it.

'My credit card...' she thought, '...but I can't use it, or they'll find me.'

"That's it?" The man asked.

Kitt woke up from her thoughts. "You know what, it's my turn to pay! To hell with the risk. One more moment please!"

The man hadn't a clue what she meant, but waited anyway.

At the same time, Zach enjoyed the sunlight. Suddenly, a shade blocked the warm rays and Zach opened his eyes. He expected it to be Mika and Moka, but they weren't there. Instead of them, there was a motor gang all around him.

Zach decided to play safe and ignored them. But one of the bikers didn't agree and walked at him. "Hey twerp!" He started. "I want to know if you saw this girl." He showed a picture.

Zach tried to stay calm, but he recognized Kitt! "No," He said, "Though she looks like the girl who robbed me in Tryono City. Same fire-like hair."

The guy grabbed him. "Don't fool with me!" He yelled. "I'll ask it one more time. Have you seen her?"

"No!" Zach screamed. "I already told you that."

The guy threw him away. "You aren't lying to me, are you? Cuz no-one messes with Derak!"

"Why would I?" Zach asked. "Give me one good reason why I should lie to you?"

"If I ever found out that you lied...." But he didn't say more. He stepped on his motor again and drove away with roaring engines, followed by the rest of the gang.

Zach packed his bag again. He asked himself what this gang would want of Kitt. He wished it didn't take forever before she returned.

After a while, Kitt finally returned. She ran at him. "Lookie what I bought!" She yelled. "It was worth the risk."

"How did you...?" Zach asked and pointed at the backpack.

"I used my credit-card."

"You have a credit-card?" He asked astounded.

"Yeah, but if I use it, they'll find me."

Zach grabbed her. "Who? Who will find you?"

Kitt looked shocked. "Relax. Just my parents, or Derak...."

"Derak?" Zach asked, but didn't wait for an answer. "Kitt, Derak was here!"

Kitt paled. "Derak? With his gang?"


"With their bikes?"


"And those bikes had wheels?"

"Of course they did! What are you babbling?"

Kitt grabbed Zach. "Don't you dare to double cross me!"

"I'm not!" Zach yelled. "What do they want from you? Do you owe them money?"

"No." They heard. "She belongs to us."

Kitt and Zach turned around. Kitt stepped before Zach, like she wanted to protect him. "Hey Derak...." She only said.

"Hey Kitt." He answered.

For moments, no one spoke. Zach felt left out and decided to ask for some explanation. "I want an explanation!" He demanded.

However, Derak kept on ignoring him. "Come home Kitt."

"You aren't my home." She replied. "And you know why I left."

"What's going on?" Zach asked.

"I don't know who talked you into this crazy shit...." Derak said to Kitt. "But you are a girl!"

"Indeed I am." Kitt answered. "Alive and kicking!"

Derak snapped his fingers and the bikers stepped of their motors. They gathered around Kitt and Zach. "Come with us." One said. "You belong with us Kitt."

"No." Kitt said determent. "You heard me. I'm alive, and KICKING!"

Kitt kicked the guy in his stomach and grabbed Zach. "C'mon Zach! Run!"

"Get her back!" Derak demanded.

The bikers jumped on their bikes and started to follow Kitt and Zach. But Kitt and Zach dove into a dark and narrow alley and after that in an old abandoned house.

Zach sighed relieved. He looked at Kitt who kept on looking to the outside if the gang was coming. Zach felt a bit embarrassed. He felt like a little boy, especially because Kitt saved him. He wanted to protect her. "Who were they?" He finally asked after a few moments.

Kitt didn't look back. "Some gang I joined half a year ago. They think girls are their possessions, and can't take no for an answer."

"Why did you leave?"

Kitt looked back and bit on her lip. "I... ehm... had to. It wasn't what I wanted with my life."

"Good choice." Zach thought back for a moment. "You know, with a kick like yours you could have made it to the Moon Tournament. Unfortunately, since you were on the run, they couldn't found you if you were chosen. To bad, you get only
selected once."

Kitt smiled mysteriously. "They always find who they want. Don't worry about that."

It became silent again. "Well, what do we do now?"

Kitt sighed. "I wished I knew. They'll stay in this town until they are absolutely sure we aren't here anymore. Thank god I bought my own food, water bottle and sleeping bag. It's purple and blue you know?"

"It's great that you bought your own gear, but I rather want to know a way out."

Kitt became silent, and together they looked into the darkness of the old house.

End of episode  3

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