Serenay Moon
Episode 11: Tears of Sincerity
©2001 Kitty Ocean
Edited by: Archmage Lia

Zach and Kitt looked around. "Look at this!" Zach exclaimed. "I've never seen a forest like this before."

"Oh, it's cool." Kitt answered absentmindedly.

Zach turned around. "What's wrong?" He asked. "We've beaten Chibi Ignis, Lady Ignis or whatever her name is."

Kitt shook her head. "No." She replied. "You've beaten her. I did nothing. I'm a coward."

"No you are not." Zach said kindly.

Kitt looked away. "I already told you once to stop acting polite."

Zach sighed deeply and picked a little flower. He gave it to Kitt. "I'm telling the truth." He added. "I think it takes great courage to admit that you are afraid. Not many people dare to say that."

"That's some lie invented by people who are always afraid." Kitt kneeled down and looked at the ground. "Without you I would have gone up into flames."

"Oh yeah?" Zach asked. "And what about your powers?" Kitt looked up, but said nothing. "You saved yourself with your powers." Zach sat down. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself, that won't help you. Let's change the subject; something is bothering
me ever since that fight. At least, at the moments I had some time to think."

"Come to the point." Kitt grumbled.

Zach pointed at her. "I once asked you if you had powers and you said no. Why did you lie to me?"

Kitt jumped up. "I never lied to you! Your exact words were that I was jealous at you. I never answered you, I just laughed."

"That was by the way very friendly thank you." Zach looked at her again. "I have the Zako Y Chosen and some other stuff, what about you? And don't avoid the answer; I now know that you really have them."

Kitt walked at a little spring and looked at it. "I was born 18 years ago. I had a mother, a father, even a twin sister. My mother gave me life, but not my spirit. My spirit is born in the ocean. The sea is not just something I feel a connection with, it's half of my soul!"

"So you command the water?" Zach asked, impressed by her speech.

Kitt looked at the water and shaped something with it. "No Zach," She sighed, "I AM the water."

Zach didn't know what to say and sat down. He thought he had incredible powers, but now he met someone whose powers came natural with her. He practiced so long to control it, ever since he was 3 years old. It just wasn't fair.

Suddenly, he heard some little bells. He looked up and saw Kitt with some blue flowers. "Look Zach." She noticed. "Those flowers can make sound." She tapped at some until she knew what tone they had. "Mary had a little lamb...." She sang and
played. Zach smiled. Whatever sorrow he had, he was glad that Kitt was able to smile again.

All of a sudden, the bells got melted with a now-familiar giggle. "Who is Mary?" They heard, when they turned around and looked at the green haired girl and the happy purple eyes.

"Chibi Gaia I presume?" Zach mumbled.

Chibi Gaia giggled again. That stupid giggling was getting on Kitt's nerve. What was wrong with these kids? They kept on laughing, whatever happened!

"How nice of you to come and play with me." Chibi Gaia said.

Zach pointed at her. "Play? No way!"

Kitt tapped him on his shoulder. "Oh yeah, something is bothering me also." Zach looked at her. This wasn't the time to.... "I just wanted to say: WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU ATTACKED CHIBI IGNIS? You punched a small girl!"

"But she had incredible powers!" Zach whined.

Chibi Gaia played with her feet. "Are you ready for the test?"

"Is it multiple choice?" Kitt tried, but she knew what was coming.

Chibi Gaia raised her little arms. "All the flowers and trees are mine, if I want, you'll get a Forest Rhyme!"

From all sides, razor sharp leaves aimed at Kitt and Zach and attacked them. At the same time, flowers turned into deadly weapons too. Wherever they would go, they wouldn't be safe from anything. "Kitt!" Zach yelled. "Use you powers!"

Kitt, herself strangled into vines, took a moment to answer Zach nicely. "What am I supposed to do, you idiot? Give them some water? Now that would help!"

Zach understood Kitt, and knew that her powers couldn't help at all. The leaves were still cutting him and he felt himself getting warmer and warmer. Finally he knew what was wrong. Whatever would happen, he wouldn't get defeated by some small girl! "That's it!" Zach yelled. "I have enough of these useless tests. What's in it for me? Nothing! Slash Bash!" Zach stormed at Chibi Gaia, but got blocked when suddenly a bush appeared. "I'm not much for a vegetable guy." He growled when he spit out some leaves. "I won't be allowed to use my powers on the tournament, but try to stop me here! ULTIMATE ZAKO Y CHOSEN!"

Zach created a ball that was huge and seemed to be fire. He blasted it at Chibi Gaia and this time even bushes couldn't help here. She landed in a small field of flowers. The vines suddenly dropped from Kitt. "You've did it?" Kitt asked. "This was too easy."

"Why can't you be proud on me for once?" Zach exclaimed. "Should I do the same to you?"

All of a sudden, Chibi Gaia began to laugh. She laughed harder, and the floor shook. Flowers danced around her and magic filled the air. Her laugh grew deeper. Chibi Gaia grew and her outfit changed into a green-and-purple dress. Her laughing no longer sounded like a child's giggle.

"I wish this wasn't necessary, but you leave me no choice." She smiled. "I'm Lady Gaia, the ultimate guardian of the earth!"

Kitt slapped Zach upside his head. "Now look what you have done!"

"Slap me one more time...." Zach hissed, but he didn't have to end his sentence.

"Are you ready for me?" Lady Gaia asked.

"No!" Zach and Kitt yelled at the same time.

"Too bad." Lady Gaia shrugged. "Too bad it isn't Valentine's Day, because you'll get my Purple Heart!" The green energy blasted Kitt and Zach away. Kitt was thrown against the floor and she felt as if all the bones in her body had gotten scrambled somehow. Kitt tried to get up and looked to the side. There lay Zach.

Kitt crawled to him. "How do you feel?" She asked carefully.

"Shaken, not stirred." He joked, but screamed in agony when he tried to get up. "My back...." He said.

"Don't try to get up." Kitt ordered.

Lady Gaia stepped closer. "What's the matter? What about the test?"

"The hell with the test!" Kitt suddenly yelled and stood up. "We never wanted to be in this test!" Her eyes became filled with tears again. This time not because she was afraid, but they were tears of anger and despair. "I don't know why you want to mess with us. What have we done to you?" Kitt stood for Zach. "Can't you see what you are doing with us? It may be a game for you, but it isn't for us!" Kitt wiped away some tears. "Your name means 'Mother of the Earth'. Is this something a mother would do? Please stop...."

Lady Gaia stood still. She closed her eyes and smiled. "My sister was right...." She started. "You are hard to beat." Kitt looked up. "My power comes from the pain you try to do me. However, since there is no violence in 'please', I'm helpless." Lady Gaia shrunk into Chibi Gaia again. "You two might be what we are looking for." Chibi Gaia raised her arms. "Springdance!" She whispered and the area got filled with passion flowers. Out of the hearts of the flowers, there came a shining pollen which healed Zach and Kitt.

Zach opened his eyes and looked at Kitt. "So you do care about me...." He whispered.

"I care about all my friends." She whispered and helped him up. "Don't get crazy ideas all of a sudden."

"Watch out sis." Chibi Gaia said and walked away.

Suddenly, Zach and Kitt stood on the top of a mountain. The wind howled all around them. Zach looked around. "What do you say?" He asked Kitt.

"Two down, three to go." She smiled.

The infernal giggle came to their ears on the wind. "I'm Chibi Luna, are you worthy of me?"

"Oh, we are so damn worthy!" Zach exclaimed.

End of episode  11

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