To Infinity and Beyond

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To Infinity and Beyond

Episode 07: No sense for protocols

© 26th of April 2006 – Kitty Ocean for the story; Disney (Buzz Lightyear from Star Command) for the characters

This story is a Fan fiction, and only for free entertainment purposes. 


“Princess Mira, thank you for the wonderful invitation.” The Ambassador of Ambrosia smiled and offered his hand.

Mira took the hand, and smiled back. “Our people always enjoy the visit of such charming and kind friends.”


The dinner party had ended, and Team Lightyear, still under the order of Nané Sophia, had to discuss where they would be placed during the treaty-signing. Today the Planet Ambrosia would join the Galactic Alliance, and Star Command could not afford to let anything to go wrong. That was the reason why they send their elite team, however, Nané was also send to learn some responsibilities, after her ‘adventure’ at Planet Z.


Before the dinner party, they did not only meet the Ambassador, but also Nané’s older sister Corona. This girl, the complete opposite of Nané, noticed her little sister was observing the princess of Tangea and the Ambassador of Ambrosia very carefully.

*What are you doing?* Corona asked telepathically (all creatures from the planet Medita can use telepathy).

Nané didn’t look up, as she replied. *Taking notes. I don’t want to make a fool out of myself any more.*

*You never do that.* Corona encouraged her.

*I ALWAYS make a fool out of myself.* Nané’s face showed thunder, as they were directed towards her kind smiling sister.

“Commander Sophia, are you all right?” Nané suddenly heard.

Shocked, Nané looked up and saw the Ambassador’s eyes. “Ambassador!” She called out. “No, I’m fine, fine thank you!” She had to keep herself from rattling or making some other stupid moves. Protocols were not her thing. If there was one thing she had trouble with, it was protocols.

XR folded his arms. “My, so she’s a commander now too?” He grunted. “Well Mira, what do you think of our great ‘Commander’?” He asked sarcastically.

Mira just smiled; maybe a bit too cheerful. “I think Nané is doing wonderful. She’ll make a great commander one day.”

XR looked up surprised. “Are you serious about that?” He asked, when he remembered all the stupidities she made ever since they left Star Command. She forgot her own seat belt, forgot to announce their arrival at Planet Ambrosia, managed to hit a waiter while saluting… Oh yeah, Nané was really doing wonderful.

Mira nodded. “As long as we support her, she’ll do fine.”

“My, someone is a bit optimistic.” XR mumbled, but then noticed Nané saluted the Ambassador good bye, so they could have their meeting. Surprisingly, she managed to hit nothing, but when Nané walked away… she tripped over the carpet.


In an alley in the downtown of the capital city of Ambrosia, a small futuristic van was parked in the shade. The silence in the alley said nothing, but the small Gargantuan Guard that stood before the large door did say a lot more. From the front, another Gargantuan Warrior stepped out, locked the door, and headed for the Guard. “We are going to make sure everything is going to plan.” He told him. “The prisoner can’t get out, so we don’t expect any troubles. If you do get any troubles, don’t hesitate to contact us. The success of our plan depends on YOU!”

The Guard felt proud and saluted, while holding his weapon near. “For a free Gargantua!” He exclaimed, and his commander saluted back.

Inside the van, there was a lot of electronic equipment placed. Computers, camera’s, keyboards with buttons that flashed on and off… this place honestly was the most High Tech thing around. Video screens showed the surroundings of the van; like the alley and the guard, but sometimes it flashed over to another point of view. On some screens, there were visuals of Team Lightyear: Buzz, Nané, XR, Booster and Mira.

“Argh!” It sounded from the corner. “Can’t you guys see it?!” A blue skinned girl tried to get free from her shackles. “That’s not me!”

Mira struggled, but the metal around her wrists was of a substance that was resistant to Tangean Ghosting Powers. Mira had seen this metal once before; Zurg used it to kidnap her father on the day she met Buzz Lightyear. Her Ghosting Powers would have no effect, and thus, she was trapped. Annoyed she tried to struggle lose once more; hoping it would break the shackles using blunt force.

The Gargantuan sure were prepared; she had to admit that. All Mira could do, was hoping Buzz would find out the Mira in their team was not her. They were her friends! They would notice it, wouldn’t they?


Nané looked at the plans. “Oh I get it now!” She smiled. “So this is where the Ambassador will be!” She pointed at a small ‘x’ on the map. “I thought that was the design of the carpet or so.”

Buzz sighed, but had decided to accept this mission. Nané was in command, and thus he had to let her make all the decisions (unless it got out of hand, of course). “The Ambassador will be coming from this side.” He told her. “Where shall we stand?”

Nané looked at the map. “Mm…” She started.

“Maybe we should stand here.” Booster suggested. “Then we are close to the Ambassador.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Mira smiled. A wicked smile filled her face for a moment, but then suddenly became sugar sweet again.


“No!” Gasped the real Mira. “Don’t let her near the Ambassador! She’ll kill him!” Mira had overheard the plans of the Gargantuan Rebels, but even if she hadn’t, she could easily guess the intention of the blue skinned girl next to Buzz Lightyear. If Mira (or someone who looked like her) would kill the Ambassador, there would come a war between Ambrosia and Tangea, showing the Universe (and especially Gargantua) the Galactic Alliance wouldn’t mean a thing. After all, one of the agreements in the Galactic Alliance, was that no planet would attack an other member of the Alliance, and that they would help each other when needed. And a princess killing an ambassador would surely fall under the term: ‘breaking contract’.


“No.” Nané suddenly said, and all looked up surprised. She pointed at the map. “If someone decides to hurt the Ambassador, they will try to do that on a place we wouldn’t spot them. Like a sniper.” Nané explained. “If we would be near the Ambassador, we wouldn’t spot the attacker before it’s too late. Or maybe not at all.”

Buzz looked up surprised. “Good thinking Nané.” He had to compliment her. He didn’t expect her to actually have some input, and now she had mentioned something he hadn’t thought about yet.

Nané started blushing. “Thank you.” She looked down. “Maybe we should take places where we can oversee most of the audience.” Nané pointed at a high pillar. “The one who is here would oversee most of it all.”

“I’ll do that.” Mira eagerly smiled.

“No, I’ll do that.” Buzz offered.

Nané disagreed with him. “I’m sorry Buzz.” She had trouble saying. “But I think you should stay near the Ambassador. I mean, you have the name and reputation. Maybe it will scare some people off if they see you.”

Booster agreed. “Yeah!” He smiled. “If those crooks see you, they will probably think again before attacking the Ambassador.”

“XR.” Nané turned to the robot. “Don’t you have a feature which helps you identify people by looking at their body heat?”

XR nodded. “Yes, the LGM installed that gimmick that was left from your Power Suit. But I don’t know all these people; they are not in my database. Little hard to identify them then, isn’t it?” The last part contained his ever existing sarcasm.

“Would it also detect weapons?” Nané inquired.

XR looked thinking for a moment. Then he let a keyboard slid out from his body, and typed a few commands. “It can now.” He smiled.

“Good.” Nané said confidant. “How about that you station near the entrance, so you can see who gets in?”

Buzz was amazed! Somehow he couldn’t recognize the uncertain and clumsy rookie that was put into command by Commander Nebula. Before him stood a confidant strategist! “Nané, you seem certain of yourself.” He couldn’t help but say.

Nané looked up surprised and blushed again. “I… I…” She stammered red, but then dove back on the plan. “Ehm, so XR will be here, Buzz will be here, and Mira will be here… Booster, how about you here?” Nané pointed at the map.

Booster looked. “The bar?” He asked surprised.

Nané blushed. “It’s the opposite side of Mira, and it’s nearest to the bathrooms. If I was a criminal who would want to vanish in the crowd, I’d escape through the bathrooms.”

Buzz nodded approving. “Good, good.” He said.

“Well, guess that’s settled then.” Nané was relieved the plans had been made, and that the meeting was over.

“Just one more question.” Buzz decided.

Nané looked up. “Oh?” She asked.

“Where will you be?”

It was as if lightning had hit Nané. At first she looked shocked with wide open eyes, only to become fully red again. When she wanted to dive on the map again, her insecurity took over again, and somehow, don’t ask me how, she even managed to fall on the floor, while she actually wanted to lean on the table (but accidentally missing it).

“Ah, that’s the Nané we all know.” XR smiled. “I was kind of getting worried.”

When Nané tried to get up, she managed to hit her head on the table. She lowered back (being in pain), and backed out, and managed to hit a small pillar, with a vase on top of it. Buzz called out, and Nané looked up. Within the blink of an eye, she managed to catch a vase. However, a waiter came around the corner and hadn’t seen her; tripping over her legs and breaking a busload of glasses.

“And I am getting worried now…” Booster admitted.


In the mean while, Mira was still trying to escape. She decided that if she couldn’t break free from the shackles around her wrists, then maybe she could get rid of the shackles. Apparently one of the buttons on the desk was responsible for it, and Mira tried to reach the button with her toe. “Come on!” She hissed while stretching as far as she could. “Come on! I know it’s that button; I saw them using it! I have to get out! I have to warn them I am not me!”

On the screen she had seen the mess Nané had managed to cause, and suddenly the camera came closer to Nané.


Buzz carefully took the vase from Nané. “Kyaah…” Nané said embarrassed. “I messed up again, didn’t I?”

“I’m certain this is covered in our insurance.” Booster smiled while helping Nané up.

“No it’s not.” XR helpfully added.

Mira had walked closer as well, and suddenly gasped. She did it so sudden, that all were surprised by the action. “Mira, are you all right?” Booster asked.

“Nané!” Mira suddenly said. “Your head is bleeding!”

Nané moved with her hand to her head, and noticed a few drops of blood on it. “Oh, it’s nothing.” She said. “I’ve been worse.”

“No, no!” Buzz decided to let his experience count. “You hit your head quite hard; we must be certain this won’t get infected or get worse. I don’t care if you are in control right now; I order you to let a doctor take a look at that wound before the ceremony begins.”

“I will walk with you.” Mira offered, and Nané nodded.

“I’m so sorry Buzz.” She looked at the ground.

Buzz smiled. “You just hurry up, and be ready before the ceremony begins.”

Nané nodded, and left with Mira. “Do you think we need to inform her sister?” Booster asked Buzz.

Buzz shook his face. “No, it’s probably nothing, but I want to know it for sure.” He said. “We need to protect the Ambassador, and we all need to be in top shape then.”

XR looked around. “Hey guys… look around… no girls! Just us men!” He cheered. “And you know what that means, right?”

“Are we going to a karaoke bar?” Booster happily exclaimed.

XR was excited. “No, no, let’s pick up some girls!”

“And then a karaoke bar?”

“Fine, then a karaoke bar.” XR agreed annoyed.

“No, we will take these moments to write a mission log!” Buzz proclaimed with pride and enthusiasm.

“Can’t we at least get me some girls?” XR pouted.


“How’s your head?” Mira asked worried.

Nané smiled. “Oh, it’s fine.” She said. “It will give me a bump for a while though. But hey, then I at least have my first ‘war-wound’.” Nané laughed, but Mira didn’t laugh at all. Nané noticed that, and looked at the ground a bit embarrassed.

“Ah, Princess Mira.” They suddenly heard. “Nané; how good to see you again.” A dark skinned girl walked at them. “I’m so glad I can still see you before the ceremony. I wanted to wish you all the luck, okay?” She said to Nané.


Mira (the real one, may I add) looked at the screen, and saw that all of a sudden a lot of information scrolled over the visual. ‘Corona Sophia’, it said, ‘Priestess of Medita; negotiator for Star Command. Affiliation with Princess Mira: None. Affiliation with Nané: unknown.’

“Get away from me!” Mira called out; hoping Nané or Corona would hear about it, but unfortunately, she knew it was futile. There was no way she could contact Nané…


Nané nodded. *I will so need that.*

*Something wrong?* Corona asked.

*I gave everyone a place, except for myself!*

Corona laughed with a cheerful smile, and bowed to Princess Mira. “Good luck Princess, though I think this will be routine for you.”

Mira smiled back, and greeted her. “Thank you, Priestess Corona.” She said to her. Both Nané and Corona looked up surprised, but then let it slide. To most Star Command Rangers, Corona was only known as a negotiator, but technically, she was also a priestess of Medita. Princess Mira probably knew that, but it was odd that she mentioned it. Everyone else just called her Corona, Miss Corona, or Corona Sophia…


Mira tried once again to reach the button which would unlock her shackles, while on the screen Nané and Mira just left the nurse’s office. However, it was still too far away, but Mira didn’t want to give up. She stretched more and more, but eventually had to give up again, and let her foot fall back on the ground. On the floor, there was a little screw.

‘Maybe’, Mira thought, ‘I can use it to destroy the computer. Maybe the shackles will let go then.’ Mira looked at the screw. She would have only one shot, and wondered what she would aim at. The screen with the visuals of what happened at the Ambassador’s residence looked like the weakest link, and Mira used her foot to play an old game. She would push on the screw, but only on the side; hoping that it would gain enough speed then to hit the screen and break it.

The screw shot through the miniature van, and hit the screen at full speed. But, instead of breaking it, it bounced off the screen, and landed on top of a few controls.


“G1 to GJoe.” A voice suddenly came out of ‘Mira’. “All is going to plan. Operation Freedom G is still continuing.”

Nané gasped staring at Mira, who seemed to have heard it as well. Uneasy the blue skinned girl looked at the human girl, and wondered what she would do.

“G1, we have a situation here.”

Nané pointed at Mira. Her mouth slowly went open in utter astonishment.

“GJoe, what is going on?”

“Our communication seems to be broadcasted.”


“And that Rookie is hearing it!”

Nané was ready to simply scream! All of a sudden, voices were coming out of Mira, while there was no one in sight. “What… what is going on?” Nané backed out scared.

“She’s on to us!”

“No kidding! She may be a klutz, but she’s not stupid!”


Mira gasped at what she was seeing. At first she was ready to cry because she failed to shut down her shackles, but now also realized she had brought Nané in danger. “No… no!” She called out. “Nané get out of there!”


“Nané, run!” Nané suddenly heard a familiar voice. “That is not me! Warn Buzz!”

“Mira?” Nané asked confused.

“Get away from there!” Mira’s voice sounded far away.

“G1, the Princess has hacked our communication system.” A previous voice said so loud Nané could easily hear it.

“GJoe, stop talking and move in!”

“What are your orders Commander?”

Nané was so confused, shocked and surprised, that she simply couldn’t move at all. What was happening?! Mira was warning her she had to get out because Mira was not Mira? And who did the other voices belong to? Communication System? Operation G Freedom? Orders? What the heck was going on?!

“We can’t afford any failures.” The voice said resolute. “Eliminate the thread.”

The voice had been right. Nané may have been a klutz, but she was not stupid. Just looking at the eyes of the fake Mira before her, Nané was positive that she was the thread, and that she had to be eliminated… And if that realization doesn’t scare a being, nothing will. And it scared Nané. Oh boy, it really scared Nané…


To be continued…

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