Forever Young Eternity 7:
The secret of MorningSnow

Synopsis - Characters - Gallery

Beware; this section may contain spoilers! I shall only list the most important characters.



Birthday: 3rd of Likuhtee
Hair colour: Purple
Eye colour: Orange
Naraku had hoped the pressure would be gone when she would return, but apparently it's not! More and more she's acting like a peacekeeper, while at the same moment a magical feeling haunts her. This makes Naraku uneasy, but first she will have to try and prove she is the Queen of MorningSnow. After helping a man in need, she was accused of being a hired killer. Acting is already hard for Naraku, but if she won't act like her life depends on it... she will most likely die.



Birthday: 12th of Seemas
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown with green
Matsuru is going through a rough time, but he's getting a lot of help from Mayonaka. In the meanwhile he tries to help Naraku with her issues: two tribes who are living aside each other but not 'together', a Lord who wants to add MorningSnow to their union by Royal Marriage and when Naraku really needs his help... he falls asleep.



Birthday: 26th of Antsumei
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Dark blue (almost black)
Blade was furious when his beloved Naraku was taken by a Lord and accused of being an assassin. He had trouble not storming in and took the act as the Royal Guard upon his shoulders. Blade's sword was never this much needed, but when the last battle for MorningSnow begins... Blade can't make a difference.



Birthday: 4th of Pentáh
Hair colour: Red
Eye colour: Cerulean
Sushi's powers are growing and finally she is feeling like a 'not worthless' person anymore. Now that she knows she can make a huge difference, all she has to do is keep her patience and pick the right moment. But if you wait too long... you can't make a difference any more.



Birthday: 10th of Yulatee
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown
No matter how much wisdom you have, it's never enough if you need to help one you care for. Mayonaka helps Matsuru the best she can and her dream is coming true... but at the same moment she wants to keep a respected distance. Naraku will really need Mayonaka, but this time... it seems the Chieftess only has herself.



Birthday: 5th of Purilh
Hair colour: Chestnut brown
Eye colour: Blue
The second part of Ao's 'happily ever after' is finally happening. However, Ao is most protective and doesn't want to let the one he cares for out of his sight. He also cares for Naraku and wants to protect her no matter what, but how can you help... if you are locked within a dream?


Birthday: 8th of Aqway
Hair colour: Ochre
Eye colour: Sea green-blue/Teal
Rain would love to make a difference, but it seems people don't need him any more. Little does he realise how wrong he is and that he is needed. However, you always realise how much you need someone... when it's too late.


Birthday: 2nd of Nyhmsee
Hair colour: Orange
Eye colour: Brown
This would have been a great adventure for the wonderful Kai! Finally would he be able to show his wisdom, his skills, his experience... but at this moment, he can only show his sleeping-skills. She played her cards well... why didn't Kai listen to Naraku when there was still time?



Birthday: 25th of Murakai
Hair colour: Lilac-blue/Lavender-blue
Eye colour: Cupper
Yume adores her mother and would do anything to grow up just like her. It shows that Yume is not flexible and wants to preserve her monther's reign as much as possible. 'The Loyal Rebel' makes her entrance...

Mah-Lin, later costume


Birthday: 20th of Hairah
Hair colour: Dark blue
Eye colour: Dark blue (almost black; darker than Blade's)
From a strong warrior to a loving housewife who can still protect herself. Mah-Lin feels most responsible about what happened to her family and does the best she can to keep them all together. But sometimes, it's not that easy and Mah-Lin has to find a goal in life for a girl named Kasumi...


Birthday: 18th of Yulakin
Hair colour: Blue
Eye colour: Brown
Girls in puberty are a pain, and Keiran finds that out in a not so pleasant way. At first he has to pretend he does not care about Naraku and then he clashes with Yume more than ever. He needs Naraku to make all things well again, but this may be something he has to solve himself.


Birthday: 21st of Aqway
Hair colour: Black
Eye colour: Green
Graven is growing into every girl's dream. Handsome, strong, cool... and really hard to get. Will there be anyone who can open up his heart? In MorningSnow, there are only two girls around his age. Will he pick one of them... or will there come a new girl, just for him?


Birthday: 21st of Yulatee
Hair colour: White
Eye colour: Yellow
A double identity and a double life; Grasshopper doesn't have the easiest life around. When the neighbouring Lord visits, she has to act like a damsel, but that is something you cannot ask from her. Her other life might be the only option, but how can she protect Naraku that way?


Birthday: 1st of Purilh
Hair colour: Dark purple
Eye colour: Dark blue
The new girl in MorningSnow, who has lost the ability to smile. The little sister of Mah-Lin has no reason to live anymore. Someone is interested in her, but she doesn't seem to notice. Kasumi is a nobody; she can't fight and needs to be protected. She can't make a difference. Why is she actually there?


Birthday: 13th of Unamei
Hair colour: Fuschia/Magenta
Eye colour: Fuschia/Magenta
Suta will have to pick loyalties. In a normal case it would not be that hard, but this is not a normal case. Why wasn't she awake when it was needed? Now she has to choose between her sister and her father... You cannot ask that from a teenager!


Birthday: 24th of Aqway
Fur colour: Grey
Eye colour: Orange
I wonder... what does a wolf feel? Can a wolf keep restraint to protect a secret? And when a wolf dreams, what does she dream about? And when you wake up and see the one you love lost into darkness, how do you feel then? Does a wolf feel the same? Or does a wolf forget?

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